Our CDW (Collision Damage Waiver) protection come with a mandatory excess that you remain liable for should there be any damage or theft of the vehicle, regardless of how it is caused.
CDW doesn’t cover Wifi, GPS, broken or lost keys, interior of the car, contamination of fuel, broken glasses, damage caused to tyres and other grossly negligent actions or breaches of your rental agreement such as the unlikely case that you cause any damage or loss by criminal activity.
It covers all damages caused to the vehicle, extinguishing any amount of Minimum Excess Deposit or Reduced, in the event of an accident against third parties, even if you are liable for it, except Wifi, GPS, broken or lost keys, interior of the car, contamination of fuel, broken glasses, damage caused to tyres and other grossly negligent actions or breaches of your rental agreement such as the unlikely case that you cause any damage or loss by criminal activity.
Our CDW/TP (Collision Damage Waiver/Theft protection) TP is Theft Protection: This covers if the vehicle you are renting is stolen. This protection comes with a mandatory excess that you remain liable for should there be any damage or theft of the vehicle, regardless of how it is caused.
CDW/TP doesn’t cover Wifi, GPS, broken or lost keys, interior of the car, contamination of fuel, broken glasses, damage caused to tyres and other grossly negligent actions or breaches of your rental agreement such as the unlikely case that you cause any damage or loss by criminal activity.